The specifications of working Cotton yarn gloves :

2021-12-29 18:07:29

1.The specifications of cotton yarn gloves are generally formed by knitting machines. At present, 7-gauge and 10-gauge are commonly used. The popular conclusion is the density of the glove. If the density of 7 stitches is lower than 10 stitches, the simple test method is to check the patterns of the glove within one centimeter. The 7 stitches are about 4 patterns, and the 10 stitches are about 6 patterns.

2.The size of cotton gloves. The length of the gloves generally refers to the edge of the glove cuff (wrist) from the middle fingertip of the glove. The length of the glove is usually made in proportion to the width. Therefore, the length of the glove is generally stated when buying.

3.The weight of cotton gloves. Glove weight is one of the signs of glove quality. For this reason, high quality is also high price. Generally, when the length of the glove is unchanged, the thickness of the heavy-weight glove is increased, and the density of the glove is unchanged. The thicker glove, the higher wear resistance as well as the greater the ability to protect the hand. At present, the measurement in the market is generally a unit, such as 10 pairs (double), 12 pairs (double) as one (bundle), and the weight is 400g, 500g, 600g, 700g, 800g , 900g, looking at 10 pairs and 12 pairs, the unit is wrong! It should be a pair (double) as the unit, then the commonly used ones should be 40g/pair, 45g/pair, 50g/pair, 55g/pair, 60g/pair, 65g/pair, 70g/pair. The weight of the glove should be the net weight of the product in which the glove is actually used.

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